Lottery money connecting communities in Edinburgh and Dundee

20 Oct 2016 03:25 PM

The Big Lottery Fund Scotland yesterday (October 20) announced the latest 18 grants made under its five year £250 million funding scheme, designed to support people and communities to overcome challenging circumstances.

The Community Alliance Trust Limited receives an award of £149,916 to bring three housing estates in Craigmillar, Edinburgh together through a community gardening and healthy eating project.

Bob Giulianotti, Community Alliance Trust Business Manager, said, “We are so excited at the prospect of not only developing local greenspace into community gardens but also taking the produce from the gardens into the kitchen and helping people cook healthy meals at affordable costs.  We will also work with local youngsters to look at ways of improving their local environment for play.

“This funding will allow the residents of Greater Craigmillar to take ownership of their environment and use it to tap into the skills and assets that lie in the community.”

In Dundee, Art Angel will use their £119,416 award to run a programme of arts activities for people with mental health difficulties who are isolated and feel cut off from their communities.

Project Manager, Rosie Summerton, said, “We are all delighted to have received this funding to provide new opportunities for people in Dundee with mental health issues.  This project is aimed at people who have previously had little or no contact with community based service and have consequently become isolated, lonely and disconnected from their community and society in general.

“We aim to inspire individuals through arts based activities providing individually tailored support and encouragement thus allowing people to sustain recovery at their own pace and in their own direction.

Joanna has taken part in previous projects run by Art Angel and found that being creative helps her cope when times are tough. She explained, “When I’m ill, it’s a need to get something out on paper. I have to write things down or make colour to communicate myself in some way. There are other things like not seeing myself as a patient but as somebody who can do thing and nobody judging, either me or my work. It’s good being around people who understand what it’s like to live without hope and then get some hope.”

The Big Lottery Fund is today announcing funding totalling £3,223,133 to 18 projects across Scotland. See a complete list of grants. Maureen McGinn, Big Lottery Fund Scotland Chair, said: “This funding supports communities across Scotland to improve both the places they live and the wellbeing of those facing challenging circumstances. These two fantastic projects will help bring people and communities together.

“In Dundee, Art Angel will use an arts based programme to reach out to isolated people who have mental health difficulties to help motivate and inspire them as well as putting them in touch with other support agencies.  In North Edinburgh, the Community Alliance Trust Limited will work with residents in three housing estates who will join together to make the best use of the local greenspaces in the area.”

Also announced today are eight Investing in Ideas awards, totalling £69,976 helping groups to develop a new idea that will benefit their community. See a full list of awards in your area
Big Lottery Fund Press Office contact: Lorna McNiven
Telephone: 0141 242 1451
Twitter: @BIGSCOTLAND #biglottery
Facebook: to different website

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