Luxury cars, property and cash worth £4.5m to be surrendered

24 Feb 2015 01:53 PM

Cash, cars and property worth £4.5 million will be handed to the NCA as part of a Civil Recovery Order made at the High Court last week.

Alexander Surin, formerly known as Michael Boparan, and his wife Jasbinder Boparan agreed the settlement with the NCA on 18 February after a five and a half year civil recovery investigation, begun by SOCA in September 2009. A Property Freezing Order obtained at the time ensured that the assets have been denied to Mr Surin since then.

Luxury vehicles recovered
The National Crime Agency argued that Mr Surin's assets were the result of money laundering, mortgage fraud, tax evasion and the importation into Europe and the UK of multiple tonnes of ketamine. While Mr Surin did not agree with the Agency's case, he and his wife chose not to contest the evidence at trial. Mr Surin, who is currently living in Dubai, has previously been arrested in relation to various criminal investigations, but this is the first time that his property has been subject to this level of asset recovery.

The items covered by the order included:

The three London properties already sold totalled more than £2million.

Donald Toon, NCA Director of Economic Crime, said:

“The denial to Mr Surin of his extensive assets demonstrates the determination of the National Crime Agency to take every opportunity to disrupt serious criminality.”

Civil recovery allows the NCA and the main prosecution agencies to sue for the proceeds of crime in the High Court. It is not dependent on a criminal conviction as the action is taken against the property and not against an individual. Cases are assessed on the balance of probability that assets have been acquired by criminal activity.