Major changes to school governing bodies

28 Jun 2016 11:43 AM

Major changes to school governing bodies will be unveiled by Education Secretary Kirsty Williams later today (Tues 28th June).

The Welsh Government is to consult on a range of new proposals to provide governing bodies with the flexibility to appoint governors with the skills needed to be effective and to determine their constitution to meet their specific needs.  The current rules for school governing bodies have been in place since 1996.

Suggested reforms include:

Kirsty Williams said:

“The world has changed in the last 20 years, but our school governing system hasn’t. I want to make changes so that school governors have the skills and ability to play their important role in improving the education we provide to our pupils.

“This includes ensuring they have the necessary skills, giving them flexibility to determine their constitution and bring in specialist support when they need it. For example, they may want to appoint an auditor or accountant as an associate member of their finance committee for a specific time.

“Most importantly I want to keep the voice of parents at the heart of our schools as key members on the governing body.  .

“School governing bodies are central to the success of our schools. They set the direction for the school, and hold the head teacher to account for the school’s educational and financial performance.  I want to make sure they are equipped to do the best job possible.”