NHS Confederation response to CQC report emphasises the need for a fundamental shift in the way we regulate care

15 Oct 2015 11:34 AM

Rob Webster, chief executive of the NHS Confederation commented on the CQC State of Care report released yesterday. 

“This is an important report that shows the majority of services across health and care are rated as good, with some outstanding. The report shows the pressure our members are under during the toughest times of a generation and that variation still exists in care quality and delivery. This alone is important - but there are other significant conclusions that must be drawn. 

“No organisation is an island so we need a fundamental shift in the way we regulate care. We’ve seen some progress but more is needed. A&E performance, for example is a function of community support, social care and the local people as much as hospital staffing. Regulators should look at health and care systems not just individual organisations. 

“Leaders must be supported to deliver safe patient care and to transform the way we deliver care. This must be accompanied by an end to the ‘toxic’ environment that is creating a revolving door of NHS leadership, which is bad for the health service, and bad for patients. The CQC have a role to play here, as do NHS England and NHS Improvement.”

View report: http://www.cqc.org.uk/sites/default/files/state-of-care-201314-full-report-1.1.pdf