New housing supply increases for second consecutive year

8 Sep 2015 01:47 PM

A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

The number of new homes in Scotland rose by 6% in the latest year, from 16,110 in 2013-14 to 17,149 in 2014-15, the second consecutive annual increase and the highest figure since 2010-11.

This figure includes new build housing, conversions of existing buildings to housing use, and refurbishment of affordable housing dwellings. The annual increase has been driven by a rise in the number of private sector led new build completions (which rose by 1,221 or 11% on the previous year) and housing association new build completions (which increased by 5% from 2,911 to 3,064).

Despite the increases over the last two years, new housing supply remains well below pre-recession levels, and is 38% below the figure of 27,593 homes recorded in 2007/08.

Updated housing statistics have been released today by Scotland’s Chief Statistician. These include information on new house building, public sector house sales, and local authority lettings and evictions, stock and vacancy rates, supported housing, housing lists, scheme of assistance and houses in multiple occupation.

Housing Supply (Private and Public Sector):

Other key findings for the year to end March 2015 are:

The largest contributors to housing supply are new build homes. Information on these are collected quarterly with the latest private sector figures covering January to March 2015 and the latest social sector figures covering April to June 2015.

Figures on the Affordable Housing Supply Programme are also available on a quarterly basis. 

Following the announcement of the end of Right to Buy in July 2013 the number of applications and the number of sales both increased. The most recent figures available are for January to March 2015. During this period there were 1,007 Right to Buy applications (30% higher than in the same quarter the previous year, and 50% higher than in the same quarter in 2013) and 377 sales (11% lower than in the same quarter in the previous year, but 53% higher than in the same quarter in 2013).

The figures released today were produced by independent statistical staff free from any political interference, in accordance with professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Notes To Editors

The statistical bulletins and web tables associated with this publication can be found as follows:

Housing Statistics for Scotland 2015: Annual Key Trends Summary:

Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update (published 8 September 2015):

Associated web tables:

The statistical bulletins and web tables present information on new house building, public sector house sales, and local authority lettings and evictions, stock and vacancy rates, supported housing, housing lists, scheme of assistance and houses in multiple occupation. 

These statistics are used for a variety of purposes including for monitoring the National Performance Framework Indicator on increasing the number of new homes in Scotland.

The new build, affordable housing supply, and sales web tables are updated each quarter. An explanatory document providing background information on these statistics is also available. The remaining statistics are updated each year, usually in August.

Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff – more information on the standards of official statistics in Scotland can be accessed at: