Next step in delivering a more active Wales

13 May 2014 09:59 AM

The landmark Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013, which encourages more walking and cycling across Wales took another step forward yesterday (Monday, 12 May) as Culture and Sport Minister, John Griffiths, launched consultations on guidance to deliver the new law.

The Minister launched a suite of documents giving guidance to local authorities on implementing the Act. He has also published an Action Plan which sets out the support the Welsh Government will provide for Active Travel. The Welsh Government is consulting on:

Mr Griffiths said:

“Collectively these three documents represent a significant step in our journey to make Wales truly a walking and cycling nation. The design guidance was developed by a consortium of experts in their field, and reflects the latest thinking on walking and cycling infrastructure design, with a clear focus on equality and accessibility. The Active Travel action plan sets out the Welsh Government’s role in the delivery of this landmark piece of legislation.

Once the consultation process has been completed we can start the work of implementing the Act in earnest and fulfil our ambition of making Wales a true global leader in promoting cycling and walking as a realistic alternative to the car.”

The consultations will run until Monday, 4 August.

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