Nominate a fast-growing UK business for Deloitte's Technology Fast 50 Awards

22 Jun 2015 01:02 PM

Member Deloitte annually ranks the fastest growing technology businesses in the UK.

techUK member Deloitte annually ranks the UK's fastest-growing technology businesses in the Technology Fast 50 Awards, based on the last four years of revenue growth. Nominations are now open and close at midnight on Monday 21 September 2015.

The 2014 UK Fast 50 winners generated over £963 million in combined total annual revenues, provided jobs for nearly 8,500 people and recorded an average five-year growth rate of 1695% in the year 2013/14. Last year's winner, adtech company Switch Concepts, posted a winning five-year growth rate of 10,477%.

The awards are supported by sponsors Fidelity Growth Partners Europe, Silicon Valley Bank UK and Taylor Wessing.

Find out more and nominate a business on Deloitte's Fast 50 website.