Nominations open for Social Investment Awards

4 Feb 2016 04:53 PM

The Social Investment Awards, supported by NatWest, celebrate the businesses and people who are helping to solve problems in society.

The social investment market helps ventures that might otherwise struggle to get funding, so that they can grow and make a difference to people’s lives.

The awards aim to highlight the impact that social investment is having on communities, and celebrate the UK’s world-leading social investors and enterprises. This is the second year the awards have been held.

The awards are free to enter and applications are open until 18 March 2016. NatWest will host an event for the winners on 3 May 2016.

To apply for the Social Investment Awards, visit

The award categories are as follows:

Minister for Civil Society Rob Wilson said:

Social investment is helping people who want to use their money to transform lives connect to organisations who can put those funds to work. These awards give us an excellent opportunity to shine a light on some of the most pioneering enterprises and investors who are helping us to build a more compassionate society.

Marcelino Castrillo, Managing Director of Business Banking at NatWest, said:

Social investment is so important to the UK. It creates jobs, supports the economy but most importantly it transforms our communities for the better. At NatWest we have proudly been supporting social enterprises for over 20 years because we recognise the significant social and financial impact these businesses make. We are thrilled to support these awards to celebrate the achievements of entrepreneurs and investors and highlight the real potential of investing in social projects across Britain.