North Korea Ambassador summoned over nuclear test

7 Jan 2016 02:38 PM

Asia Minister Hugo Swire yesterday summoned the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s Ambassador in London, Mr Hyon Hak Bong, to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office following the reported nuclear test.

Mr Swire made clear the UK’s condemnation of the DPRK’s actions, which breached several UN Security Council Resolutions.

Following the meeting, Asia Minister Hugo Swire said yesterday:

I summoned North Korea’s Ambassador today to stress in the strongest terms the UK’s condemnation of their nuclear test.

This is a clear violation of multiple UN Security Council Resolutions, and the United Kingdom supports the resolve of the UN to implement further significant measures against the regime.

Yesterday the UK and other members of the UN Security Council issued a statement strongly condemning the latest act as a clear threat to peace and security on the Korean peninsula and to international security. It is essential, as ever, that the international community is united in its approach and will work on such measures in a new Security Council resolution.

I call on the North Korean regime to act in the best interests of its people and to choose the path which will genuinely benefit them. Amid reports of widespread hardship and human rights abuses, the priority must be the health and welfare of North Korean people.

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