Northern Ireland groups share in £675,764 grants windfall from Awards for All

16 Oct 2014 03:24 PM

A Newry group that links isolated young people in care with their peers who are not in care so they can build friendships and learn from each other is one of 81 groups in Northern Ireland sharing in a grants windfall from the Big Lottery Fund.

Express Youth has been awarded £9,870 through the Awards for All programme for a project that will use group activities and training to develop confidence, self esteem and relationships between young people who may have experienced abuse, trauma and loss. A total of 81 groups across Northern Ireland are sharing in a total grants windfall of £675,764 (See separate attachment for full list of awards).

Awards for All offers community, voluntary and statutory groups the chance to apply for small grants of between £500 and £10,000 that will have a big impact on local communities and the lives of people most in need.

Richard McEvoy, chair person of Express Youth, said: “Some of the young people come from backgrounds where they have experienced abuse, they may have no contact with family members, they’re quite vulnerable and they are marginalised from the community.

“But while there are lots of issues for young people in care, we have found that a lot of other young people are perceived to be OK when actually they need support too. Express Youth develops links and friendships between different groups, to build camaraderie and a sense of identity.”

The group will work with around 100 young people a week in the Newry area, including those who are in residential or foster care.  

“This project involves a self defence programme when we also look at risk taking behaviour, alcohol and drugs issues, and sports activities including football, Pilates and circuits,” Richard said.

“We don’t sit kids down and say – tonight we’re going to talk about drink, drugs or other risk taking behaviour. But we weave those conversations naturally into the activities so the message is clear. We’re giving them the skills and confidence to keep themselves safe. A lot of those kids would be perceived in the community as being at high risk but this project is giving them the chance to overcome that.                                                                                                               

“When young people have a sense of identity they tend to feel better about themselves – their self esteem and confidence improves. The sports and other activities also improve their physical and mental wellbeing.

“You’ll find that young people in care will gravitate towards other young people in care and they won’t mix with others who are outside that arena. Bringing them together helps to break down stereotypes between the two groups and they can learn from each other. Sometimes there can be as much need among the young people who aren’t in care.

“We don’t make a distinction between the young people – when they’re with Express Youth they’re just young people who want to get on with each other.

“I’ve only one ask of the young people when they finish an activity and that is that every one of them must shake hands. It’s about promoting a sense of belonging and identity.”

Joanne McDowell, Big Lottery Fund NI Director, said: “The Big Lottery Fund’s NI Awards for All programme funds health, education, environment and community projects that help people bring about positive change in their lives, improve health and well-being, develop skills and create safer communities.

“The application process is simple and accessible and shall remain so, making it easy for applicants to successfully apply for small pots of funding that can have such a big impact on local communities and lives.”

Application forms and guidance notes are available to download
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