23 Jul 2015 03:03 PM

Ordnance Survey has produced a new off-road sat-nav style router in its OS Maps application that covers Britain’s 15 National Parks.

Using Ordnance Survey’s unrivalled outdoors mapping it allows users to plot routes along public rights of way and footpaths. It is hoped the simple-to-use navigating tool will encourage even more people to explore the parks. The intelligent software also lets users select their exercise type, walking, running or cycling, and will provide relevant routes depending on the activity entered. This is the first time an entire nation’s national parks have been made accessible in this way.

Nick Giles, Managing Director for Ordnance Survey Leisure, said: “This sophisticated routing tool will benefit anyone visiting our wonderful national parks. What has been created in OS Maps is the first move towards a full off-road sat nav, and this first step will help visitors to national parks get from A to B successfully and safely on recognised footpaths. We are also looking at introducing wheelchair friendly routes, horse trails and difficulty ratings.”

The routing tool comes as part of a £17.95 subscription bundle that also includes digital versions of all 607 OS Landranger and OS Explorer maps, which if you were to buy the paper versions would cost £4887.96.

Nick continues: “To be able to access all our maps online and use them to plan, save and print routes for less than £18 represents a significant saving. However, tablets and mobile phones run out of power or can be damaged, so to ensure safety we always advise people to carry the paper version of the place they are exploring or use OS Maps to print out the area they need.”


Notes to editors

The National Park routing tool is currently available to subscribers of the browser version of OS Maps – http://os.uk/osmaps and will be available on the iOS and Android app very soon.

OS Detailed Path Network (DPN) is the first fully routable path and track network that OS has designed specifically for use in the leisure market and is to be a key component of the new OS Maps.

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