Register of higher education providers launched

5 Sep 2014 02:35 PM

HEFCE has today published its first register of higher education providers. An authoritative reference point for a wide range of users, the register describes the powers that providers regulated in England have, and the controls that apply to them.

It is launched alongside an updated ‘operating framework for higher education’, which explains the arrangements for regulating higher education providers in England.  

Providers are listed on the register where they have one or more of the following features: 

The register brings together a range of information from different sources for ease of reference. It will be updated regularly. 

The register does not list all providers of higher education in England. It only includes providers which meet one or more of the specific features above. For example, it does not include providers who offer higher education through afranchise arrangement only; this is regulated through the lead provider, which is included on the register.

The register will be a valuable resource for many different users, including providers of higher education, other regulators, overseas governments and students.

HEFCE would like to explore ways to develop the register, and we will work in partnership with the sector and other regulators to do this. 

HEFCE has developed and implemented the register in response to a request from Government in 2013.