Robin Swann MLA Elected as Chairperson of the NI Assembly Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

15 Apr 2015 01:04 PM

The Northern Ireland Assembly has today announced that Mr Robin Swann MLA has been elected to the newly created post of Chairperson of the NI Assembly Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).

The new post, in line with the other devolved legislatures, will see Mr Swann MLA assume responsibility for chairing meetings of the Executive Committee and overseeing the general day to day management of the branch.

Speaking after his election Mr Swann MLA said: "I am delighted to have been elected to this new and exciting role. The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association has an important role to play in working to promote democracy and a better understanding of democratic governance. I look forward to working with colleagues in other legislatures to support the core and enduring values of the Commonwealth and to highlight the importance of continued political dialogue, cooperation and understanding."

Further informationon the Northern Ireland Assembly Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) membership can be found here.