Searching and sharing gazettes now easier than ever

2 Apr 2014 03:51 PM

The Gazette website enables you to search millions of official notices covering nearly 350 years of the UK's history. Following on from its beta phase, the enhanced site includes many new interactive features, including social media sharing and the ability to create your own 'bespoke editions' of The Gazette.

Janine Eves, Gazette Business and Operations Director at The Stationery Office (TSO), says: 'With a proud reputation as an authoritative source of public information that's relevant to everyone, transforming the UK's oldest public record into a modern, accessible, easy-to-use resource was crucial in today's digital age. We have opened up centuries of British history and business-critical information, making it easier to find what you're looking for. We encourage you to explore the new website and share and reuse its data - we're confident you'll be delighted with what you see.'

Features include:

Carol Tullo, Director of Information Policy and Services at The National Archives, said: 'The new enhanced site allows the millions of notices and official content of The Gazette to be captured, discovered and shared by users shaping the service for the benefit of all.'

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