Significant fall in diagnostics and therapy waits in Wales

8 Dec 2016 07:33 PM

Diagnostic waits over eight weeks have fallen by 64% in Wales since the start of 2014 and 32% since October last year. More than half of people are waiting less than three weeks, the latest statistics up to October show.

Therapy waits over the standard waiting time have also fallen by 44% since June 2012 from 4,781 people waiting more than 14 weeks to 2,691 in October 2016.  The number of people waiting over 14 weeks has also fallen by 14% compared to October last year.

In the last month there has also been a slight reduction in the median wait for therapy services; more than half of people are now waiting less than five weeks.  

Health Secretary Vaughan Gething said: 

“There has been a big improvement in diagnostic and therapy waiting times in Wales in recent years.  We continue to work closely with health boards to make improvements where patients are waiting too long, but these figures show that waiting times are improving.  

“In general, more people are accessing the NHS in Wales, so I want to thank NHS staff for their efforts to ensure as many people get the diagnosis or therapy they need quickly, despite the large numbers of people seeking treatment.”

HS diagnostic and therapy service waiting times