TUC: PM must guarantee workers that their rights are safe after Brexit

30 Sep 2016 12:29 PM

100 days after the vote to leave the EU, the TUC is today (Friday) calling on Theresa May to assure working people she will protect their rights that are currently guaranteed by the EU, and will make sure British workers don't fall behind European workers in the future.

In her speech on becoming Prime Minister, Theresa May appealed directly to working people who are struggling to make ends meet, and who face job insecurity. She said: “when we take the big calls, we’ll think not of the powerful, but you.”

The TUC says that protection and improvement of workers’ rights outside the EU is a test of this commitment. And an agreement not to undercut the EU on employment rights must be at the heart of any future UK trade agreement with the EU.

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “The Prime Minister must reassure working people that they will not pay the price for Brexit.

“No-one voted to put their rights at work in jeopardy. But 100 days later, we’re still in the dark about EU-guaranteed rights like parental leave, protection from excessive working hours, and protections for part-timers and agency workers.

“It’s time the Prime Minister made a clear commitment to protect all workers’ rights. And she must set out how she will make sure British workers do not see their working conditions fall behind European workers in the future.

On the need to protect the livelihoods of working people, she added:

“The government must set out a negotiation strategy that protects trade, investment and jobs. Otherwise we risk sleepwalking towards a hard Brexit, which would leave working people facing hard times.”