Ten thousand bursaries for ten thousand students in 2015

4 Dec 2014 02:25 PM

The Government’s Autumn Statement addresses the gap in taught postgraduate finance through a three-stage plan [Note 1].

During the first stage, in 2014-15, HEFCE has provided £25 million for pilot projects testing different ways of stimulating progression to taught postgraduate level. Early findings from this work show that there is significant frustrated demand for taught postgraduate study, but that financial contributions – which do not necessarily need to cover all of the costs – are successful in addressing this [Note 2]. 

In the second stage, during 2015-16, the Government has confirmed in the Autumn Statement that HEFCE will allocate £50 million to higher education institutions (HEIs) to offer bursaries on a match-funded basis. These bursaries will be £10,000, and will benefit 10,000 students.

The scheme will draw on the findings of the HEFCE pilots to help universities and colleges decide how to allocate the bursaries. The distribution of bursaries to institutions will be confirmed later this month, enabling them to be aligned with postgraduate admissions plans for 2015-16 [Note 3].

This will provide a bridge to the third stage, which the Government also announced in the Autumn Statement: the introduction from 2016-17 of income-contingent loans for students under 30 years old wishing to undertake a postgraduate taught masters in any subject.

HEFCE Chief Executive Madeleine Atkins said:

'Since the reforms to undergraduate finance in 2012, HEFCE has been at the forefront of efforts to improve understanding of postgraduate education. A key issue we have identified through this work has been the high level of frustrated demand due to the absence of financial support for taught postgraduate students and the very positive effect that a financial contribution from Government can make to address it.

'In this context, I am delighted that the Government has announced a wide-ranging loan scheme for masters students and that we can build upon the Postgraduate Support Scheme by allocating 10,000 taught postgraduate bursaries to students who will be graduating with higher levels of undergraduate debt this year. This will provide a much-needed bridge to the wider postgraduate student loan proposals announced by the Chancellor.'


  1. The Autumn Statement is available to download from GOV.UK. The section on postgraduate loans is on pages 44-45.
  2. The Postgraduate Support Scheme (PSS) has supported students progressing to taught postgraduate education. The scheme provides £25 million for pilot projects to test activity and finance models that support these aims.
  3. HEFCE will write to institutions on 15 December to provide details of the distribution of bursaries and guidance on how they should be used, and to confirm details of a seminar on this to be held in January. 
  4. The reports, data and analysis undertaken or commissioned by HEFCE to build the evidence base on postgraduate education in England are available online. TheIntentions After Graduation Survey (IAGS), piloted in 2013, asks final-year undergraduates about their plans for after graduation, including plans for postgraduate study.