The Unusual Suspects: Unlikely Connections for Social Change

1 Aug 2014 10:12 AM

We are excited to announce that the programme for The Unusual Suspects Festival is now live and registration is open.

The Unusual Suspects Festival
Between 2 – 5 September, we have more than 25 different events, all over London, and more than 50 organisations collaborating with the festival. Places are limited so please register ASAP!

From the Design Council, to Lankelly Chase and Civic Systems Lab, to Microsoft, to Hackney CVS and Maslaha, organisations big and small, global and local from across boundaries will be coming together to examine why collaboration is so important and how we can all do more of it better!

With more events being scheduled every day, including great sessions from MEAM ( Making Every Adult Matter), the Point People and Systems Changers project, sessions on collaborative movement building and other events across the UK including high tea with Sunderland City Council, this is not to be missed!

Expect something unusual - we have walks, talks, films, forum theatre, signing and more so book you place here now!

Looking forward to seeing you all there.


Best wishes

Jordan, Adelaide, Henry, Louise and the whole of The Unusual Suspects Festival