The Youth Summit: how you can get involved

2 Sep 2015 10:32 AM

4 ways to get involved with the Youth Summit and have your voice heard on the global issues that matter to you.

1. Visit the website

For exclusive content and up to date information including how you can make a difference, visit the Youth Summit website.

2. Take part in the online conversation

This is your chance to say what global goals are important to you and how you are going to help achieve them.Your views will then form part of the debate at the Youth Summit and at the Global Goals events in New York later in September. Join the conversation here.

3. Sign up to the mailing list

By signing up to the mailing list you will receive emails to exclusive material and information about the Youth Summit, as well as the latest news and lists of actions you can take to ensure young people have a say in the global goals.

4. Post a picture/video answering how you will help achieve new global goals to end poverty and protect the world

This is your chance to visually show your support to a worldwide audience. By creating a video or posting a picture and comment you will be lending your voice to the debate along with thousands of other young people.