UK PCB Sales and Electronics Production stats September 2016

17 Nov 2016 02:54 PM

The value of electronics production in the UK for Q1 to Q3 2016 is roughly the same as in 2015 with exports stronger than the domestic.

The value of electronics production in the UK in for the first three quarters of 2016 is roughly the same as the same period in 2015 with the export market stronger than the domestic market which has weakening slightly.

Each month, techUK compile data from the UK PCB industry and compare trends with PCB sales elsewhere. PCB sales are a useful indicator for he health of UK electronics manufacturing as a whole. A summary report is available for download here with a full report available to techUK members on request.

The value of electronics production in the UK in forQ1 to Q3 2016 is roughly the same in 2015 with the export market stronger than the domestic market which has weakening slightly. The apparent recovery towards positive growth in the first two quarters has now weakened in the third.

For the PCB fabricators in the TechUK group, total PCB sales in September were 5% down on August but 2.9% higher than average for the year. For the year to date, total sales are down 3.3% while the order book is up 2.8%, compared with the same period last year.

The B2B ratio (including domestic and export market) bounced back to 1.09 in August and fell to 1.06 in September after a weak July (0.99). In August the B2B was driven by a strong UK order book while in September it was helped by a strong export order book. For the year to date, the B2B is 1.05.

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