UK should appoint an Ambassador for the Arctic

27 Feb 2015 03:06 PM

The UK – the northernmost country below the Arctic Circle – needs to up its game or risk being ‘outmanoeuvred’ in the region by other states, says the House of Lords Arctic Committee in a report published recently. The Committee concludes that the UK should follow the example of nations including France, Singapore and Japan in appointing an Ambassador for the Arctic.

The Committee’s report, "Responding to a changing Arctic", concludes that momentous and unprecedented change is underway in the Arctic, with temperatures there rising twice as fast as the world average. This will have a massive impact on the region’s environment, ecosystems and people and presents both huge challenges and opportunities.

The Committee says the UK has a successful history of engagement with the Arctic but concludes that the Government’s approach is too hesitant and cautious. Other countries are assertive about their interests in the Arctic and the UK should be too.


The report makes recommendations in a range of areas including:

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