WWF-UK comments on the CIWEM 'A Place for SuDS?' report

7 Feb 2017 10:35 AM

Rose O’Neil,  Water Policy Manager at WWF responded to the launch of the CIWEM ‘A Place for SuDs?’ report assessing the effectiveness of delivering multifunctional sustainable drainage, 

“Flooding is devastating for local communities, it also costs the economy around £2bn each year. The increase in development at the expense of natural green land can result in flash flooding. Water rushes along concrete, tarmac and other impervious surfaces straight into drains and rivers without having the opportunity to be absorbed into the land naturally. We must work with nature, not against it and the government must start implementing proven solutions such as sustainable urban drainage for new developments.

“This is important to reducing the quantity of surface water getting into rivers as well as relieving pressure on the sewer networkstherefore reducing flooding”.