Welsh Secretary Alun Cairns sets out his priorities for the new Welsh Government

9 May 2016 01:46 PM

Alun Cairns: "My overriding priority as Secretary of State is to work with the new Welsh Government to deliver economic security for people living in Wales"

With the dust now settling after the elections, attention must turn to the issues and challenges in Wales.

My overriding priority as Secretary of State is to work with the new Welsh Government to deliver economic security for people living in Wales.

On Friday, I spoke with colleagues in Cardiff Bay to re-iterate my aims from here on in.

In my view the new Welsh Government has five clear priorities when it comes to working with Westminster.

Welsh politics has been characterised too often by tribalism and opposition for opposition’s sake at either end of the M4. Its time for a new spirit of pragmatism.

As Wales advances to the next stage of devolution, my message to the new Welsh Government is that we put aside political differences and get on with the big job of delivering projects that will really benefit people’s lives. If we can, then the Welsh people will be the real winners of this election.

Notes to Editors

A longer version of this article was published in the Sunday Times