Women in IT

14 Jan 2016 02:27 PM


A ‘Socitm Women in IT’ group is being established by the Society to improve the visibility of women in IT; through raising the profile of talented and experienced women working to deliver local public services, promoting them as role models and presenting greater opportunities for public speaking and other engagements.

An immediate goal is to address the under-representation of women in IT. It is important to use the group to gain insights into the barriers preventing women joining IT and progressing their careers. To give women in IT a stronger voice. The longer term aim will be working with young women at the point at which they are considering career options to assist and identify ways and means to support them into IT and IT management.

The Group will seek to:

This group will be launched through an event after the summer.

Latest news

Wednesday 23 September marked the launch of Socitm’s ‘Women in IT’ initiative at The View - a collaborative work & conference space housed and kindly sponsored by our corporate partners Canon.

The launch, and broader initiative, was designed to create a networking environment to provide support, share and learn from our collaborative experiences across sectors and apply these specifically to the public sector, celebrate success and achievement and discuss how we advance the prospects of women in IT and digital.

The purpose of the Women in IT launch was to:

Find out more

To see the full schedule, as well as more detailed information about the initative and its speakers, download the event programme by clicking the file below. 
