techUK at RSA 2015

27 Apr 2015 01:25 PM

techUK Joined UKTI and Eight Cyber Security Companies at the RSA 2015 Conference.

With over 30,000 people passing through its doors, the RSA 2015 Conference represents the single largest opportunity for UK companies to engage with the US cyber business and end user communities. For this reason, techUK joined UKTI DSO and eight other British cyber security companies on a booth at the exhibition for the duration of last week.

The theme throughout the conference for the UK delegation was partnership and co-operation; two vital words that UK cyber security companies must practice when trying to export and build a base in the US. UKTI therefore organised a series of briefings that were arranged for the delegation on these topics throughout the week, including sessions with FireEye, Silicon Valley Bank and Stanford University.

At the conference centre, UKTI and techUK hosted a "British Cheer with Beer" event for exhibition attendees on the Tuesday to introduce other companies to the UK delegation, providing a perfect opportunity for the two camps to discuss possible areas of collaboration. And on Wednesday, Intercede hosted a Cyber Growth Partnership reception where attendees heard keynote speeches from the British Consulate General, the newly appointed global cyber ambassador for the UK and President Obama's cyber security advisor, Michael Daniel, who remarked upon the importance of UK-US cyber security collaboration.

Throughout the week it was clear through interactions with conference attendees that there exist vast opportunities for UK firms in the US cyber-security market and plenty of US companies keen to collaborate with our sector. The UK has a cyber-security offering that is recognised worldwide and techUK are pleased to have been present at the RSA Conference this year to help showcase the best of British cyber-security capabilities.

Companies that joined the UK delegation to RSA included; BeCrypt, CREST, Digital Shadows, InfoAssure, Nettitude, Intercede, Surevine, SecureEnvoy and L3 TRL.