techUK responds to launch of EU Commission's Platform, Cloud & Data consultation

25 Sep 2015 10:54 AM

techUK comments on the European Commission consultation on online platforms, data and cloud to inform regulation proposals expected in Spring 2016.

Recently, the European Commission launched a Consultation looking at the economic role of online platforms, data and cloud. This includes a wide range of areas of interest to techUK members, including search engines, social media, video sharing websites, app stores, and more. The consultation also explores the liability of intermediaries on illegal content hosted online and how to improve the free flow of data in the EU and to build "a European Cloud". It will also look at the rise of the collaborative economy.

The consultation is led by DG Connect and will be open until December 2015. The consultation defines a platform as "an undertaking operating in two (or multi)-sided markets, which uses the Internet to enable interactions between two or more distinct but interdependent groups of users so as to generate value for at least one of the groups. Certain platforms also qualify as Intermediary service providers."

Commenting on the launch of this consultation, Charlotte Holloway, Head of Policy at techUK, said"Platforms make a significant contribution to the UK GDP, and come in many forms, shapes and sizes right across the economy. There are a wide range of benefits from the products and services provided by platforms - including helping UK SMEs be more productive, get discovered by new customers, helping teams collaborate better, and more. As people live their lives digitally, the traditional rules of doing business are changing and exciting opportunities for growth are powered by the online world."

For more information view the full European Commission consultation here.

techUK will make a written response to this consultation which will be led by techUK's Digital Single Market group and a specific dedicated European Commission Platform Regulation group.

techUK will also submit written and oral evidence to the related House of Lords inquiry on 'Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market', published by the EU Internal Markets Sub-Committee and open until 16 October 2015. 

If you would like to find out more about techUK's work on platforms please get in touch with Charlotte Holloway and Laura Weidinger. To find out more about techUK's work on Big Data, Mobile and Cloud please contact Sue Daley and on Data Protection please contact Shane Murphy.

As part of techUK's work on the Digital Single Market strategy, techUK and its German and French counterparts Bitkom and Syntec Numerique jointly published Eight principles to guide the Digital Single Market. If you are interested in finding out more about techUK's work on the Digital Single Market contact Shane Murphy and Laura Weidinger.