Annual Reports

CEOP: CEOP’s Annual Review and Centre Plan outlines the complete range of CEOP services & results and highlights the key areas that CEOP will be looking to tackle over the next 12 months.  Primary amongst these is continuing to address the self-generated risk that children place themselves in, understanding & working in partnership to safeguard technological advances and focusing on specialist areas such as the trafficking of children and young people.
It also covers the fact that CEOP will be taking the national lead for providing services & specialist support for instances when children go missing – a function it will pick up from 1 July 2011. The publication also highlights that while safeguarding children will always be its primary focus, CEOP is also about prevention & knowledge sharing whether with the wider child protection community or directly with children, their parents, carers or guardians.
Press release & links
PwC: Market sentiment is recovering slowly after the lows post Copenhagen and traders admit that future carbon credit prices alone are not expected to be high enough to reach the 2 degrees goal or EU’s 80% GHG emission reduction target.
Press release & links