Annual Reports

DCSF: Education Ministers Jim Knight and Bill Rammell have welcomed the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development's (OECD) confirmation that the educational performance in the United Kingdom overall 'remains strong'.
'Education at a Glance - OECD Indicators 2007' is an annual publication that compares international levels of participation, attainment and spending among OECD member states.
The OECD Economics Directorate assessed countries for the indicator on spending efficiency by analysing a country's educational institutions, structures and decision-making processes.  They did not analyse financial inputs against educational outcomes.
Press release ~ Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ~ 'Education at a Glance - OECD Indicators 2007' ~ UK Briefing notes ~ Average class sizes ~ Leitch review on Skills
ScotGov: The third national Scottish survey of public attitudes to mental health, mental wellbeing and mental health problems has been published. The Well? What do you think? survey examines the views & experiences of a representative sample of adults in Scotland in relation to a range of mental health issues.
People with experience of mental health problems are less likely than others to feel they have people they can rely on in times of personal difficulty. People who have difficulty managing on low incomes and people who live in deprived areas are the most likely to experience poor physical & mental health and poor mental wellbeing.
Attitudes to mental health problems are generally improving - most of the gains made in 2004 have been consolidated. However, there is still more work to be done to foster more public understanding of, and tolerance towards, mental health problems and mental illness .
Press release ~ Well? What do you think? ~ Research findings summary ~ Scotland's Mental Health First Aid (SMHFA) ~ SAMH ~ NES - Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 ~ Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland
Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide