Business and Other Briefings

DfTIf you offer MOT tests, keep up to date with the Special Notices issued by VOSA about changes to the MOT scheme. A Special Notice contains information about changes to the MOT testing scheme so that you - as the MOT tester or Authorised Examiner - can make sure vehicles are tested to the required standard.
Press release & links
DECC: Observing the Infrastructure Code of Practice and the UK/Norway Framework Agreement; guidelines for Pipeline Works Authorisations. Access for developers of offshore oil & gas fields to upstream infrastructure for the purpose of transporting & processing hydrocarbons is a key element in the process of extracting the UK’s petroleum resources.  

Companies seeking access for their hydrocarbons to such infrastructure must apply in the first instance to the relevant owner of the infrastructure in question.
Press release & links
BIS: The 2013 Information Security Breaches Survey has shown that 87% of small businesses across all sectors experienced a breach in the last year.  This comes as the Technology Strategy Board extends its Innovation Vouchers scheme to allow SMEs to bid for up to £5,000 from a £500,000 pot and as BIS publishes guidance to help small businesses to put cyber security higher up the agenda and make it part of their normal business risk management procedures – See ‘In the News’ section for more information
HMT: The Bank of England and HM Treasury have announced an extension to the Funding for Lending Scheme (FLS). This extension builds on the success of the FLS so far, and has 3 main objectives – See ‘Policy Statements & Initiatives’ section for more information.
DWP: The Government has announced plans to help millions of savers take their workplace pension with them when they change job – See ‘Policy Statements & Initiatives’ section for more information.
EU News: Both the UK & Ireland have announced their decision to join the Commission’s proposal to modernise current EU rules on cross border insolvency, which date from 2000 – See ‘EU News’ section for more information.  
PC&PE: The introduction of auto-enrolment makes rigorous pension scheme governance essential, argues the Work and Pensions Committee in a report published last week. The Report also highlights that deferred-member charges and member-borne consultancy charges have the potential to cause serious consumer detriment – See ‘Legislation / Legal’ section for more information.  
HMRCRevenue & Customs Brief 10/13
This Brief contains an update following the consultation on the withdrawal of the VAT exemption for supplies of business research
Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide