Charity and Voluntary Sector

ScotGov: Leading youth charity The Prince’s Trust will receive £750,000 of European Structural Funds (ESF) to help even more young people into the jobs market

The Prince’s Trust will use the funding to extend their core programmes to help disadvantaged 16-25-year-olds build their confidence and increase their motivation to get their lives working again.
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NE: Many environmental organisations depend on the support of committed & enthusiastic volunteers and, coinciding with Volunteers’ Week, new research published by Natural England has revealed the true value of their help. 
Using guidance and a measuring formula developed over the last 16 years by the Institute of Volunteering Research, a Volunteer Investment and Value Audit for 2011 discovered that 3,000 NE volunteers provided over 29,300 working days, which has a market value of over £3.5m. 

Further analysis showed that for every £1 spent on supporting volunteers – through training, providing equipment & transport - a value of £8.48 is returned. 
Press release & links
CO: Last week the Cabinet Office and Department of Health committed to help fund & assist more doctors, nurses and other public sector workers to run services that are tailored to their local community. 

The DH was the first department to give staff new rights to form Social Enterprises, or mutuals.  Now the team from DH will bring their expertise on supporting the development of these organisations as they join the CO mutuals team to help roll out similar rights across all government departments.
Alongside this work, the DH is also announcing a further investment of £19m over the next year for Social Enterprises, on top of the £100m already invested by them over the last 5 years. The money will be used to support frontline staff to run services that provide what their local population really need.
Press release & links
BIG: Two projects across Scotland are to share over £1m to support vulnerable young people across Scotland and also provide work & training opportunities in Moffat, thanks to the Big Lottery Fund (BIG).
Press release & links
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