
FSA: The Financial Services Authority (FSA) published a feedback statement for consultation (closes on 1 March 2009) following its review of the structure of the Listing Regime.  The proposed changes will provide further clarity to the Listing Regime and are intended to help maintain the integrity of the UK markets enabling issuers & investors to make informed decisions.
The FSA will consult on changes to the Listing Rules to reflect the proposals and aim to provide feedback in the summer of 2009.
Press release ~ Feedback Statement and Consultation Paper ~ Proposed structure of the listing regime
PADA: The Personal Accounts Delivery Authority (PADA) has launched its consultation (closes 4 March 2009) on ‘decumulation - Securing a retirement income. PADA is considering the options for helping members of personal accounts get a good deal when they retire and is seeking views to inform its approach.
PADA is proposing that the personal accounts scheme will design a largely self-service process to help members decide which retirement product will suit their specific needs.  The personal accounts scheme will not provide annuities for members, but intends to ensure that its members have clear information about the decisions they need to make, and how they can buy one.
Press release ~ Personal Accounts Delivery Authority (PADA) ~ Building personal accounts: securing a retirement income
DCMS: From the lofty spires of Westminster Abbey to the rugged beauty of the Giant's Causeway and the Causeway Coast - How best do we protect the UK's World Heritage Sites - asks a consultation (closes on 24 February 2008) launched by Culture Secretary, Andy Burnham.
At present all nominations added to the World Heritage List are taken from the UK Tentative List - a shortlist of sites, updated every ten years, which have been judged by the UK to fulfil the criteria demanded by UNESCO in order to be recognised as being of 'outstanding value'.
Ahead of this consultation, DCMS with its funding partners Historic Scotland and Cadw commissioned a cost benefit analysis of World Heritage Site status.  The review is published alongside the consultation paper.
Press release ~ World Heritage for the Nation: Identifying, Protecting and Promoting our World Heritage (plus releated documents) ~ World Heritage List ~ UK Tentative List ~ Draft Heritage Protection Bill ~ Historic Scotland ~ Cadw
ScotGov: Fewer household developments would require planning applications under proposals unveiled by the Scottish Government. The consultation (closesFriday 13 March 2009) on permitted development rights seeks views on removing red tape for people who want to carry out alterations or minor developments in and around their homes.
The proposals include:
* Allowing extensions up to 50% of a house's original footprint, up to the height of the house
* Introducing new rights for installing decking, small porches and alterations to chimneys
* Increasing the maximum area of gardens that can be developed under permitted development rights
Press release ~ Householder Permitted Development Rights: Consultation Paper ~ ScotGov Planning
CRC: The Commission for Rural Communities’ Commissioners have agreed detailed plans to implement its inquiry into the future of England’s upland communities. They particularly want to hear the voices of people often overlooked in public debate.
The timetable includes a public ‘call for evidence’ scheduled for February 2009, together with a short series of evidence gathering seminars and six regional hearings.  The inquiry will be open to all to contribute, with live reporting as they move forward.
Press release ~ Detailed plans ~ Future of England’s upland communities
FSA: The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has published a consultation paper (closes on 4 March 2009) which proposes an overhaul of the liquidity requirements for banks, building societies and investment firms. The proposed rules are based on recently agreed international liquidity standards, in particular the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s (BCBS) Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision and also take into account difficulties faced in the market over the past 18 months.
As part of the CP the FSA is also pre-consulting on the reporting requirements for the new liquidity regime.  The consultation period runs for a month and the FSA will then look to issue a separate reporting CP in Q1 2009.
Press release ~ Consultation paper 08/22: Strengthening liquidity standards ~ Basel Committee on Banking Supervision’s (BCBS) Principles for Sound Liquidity Risk Management and Supervision
Ofgem: Energy regulator Ofgem has published the second consultation document (closes on 13 February 2009) for the electricity distribution price control for 2010-2015.  Distribution charges account around 14% of a typical domestic customer’s electricity bill.
Press release ~ Consultation document
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