
DCMS: Moves to boost the roll-out of mobile broadband, which is essential to business growth & jobs, have been published for consultation by the government. 92% of individuals in the UK have a mobile phone & 39% of individuals own a smart phone with internet access.

 It is estimated the demand for mobile capacity will increase 80 fold by 2030, but regulations are holding up the roll-out of services in many parts of the country.
The proposed changes will speed up the regulatory process for mobile broadband infrastructure, while ensuring protected areas and others keep environmental safeguards already in place.  The plans ensure the use & sharing of existing infrastructure is maximised, and installing new masts is avoided wherever possible.  The 6-week consultation ends on 14 June 2013.
Press release & links
SFA: As part of the Skills Funding Agency’s recent consultation review with the sector on the publicly funded qualifications offer, they want to ensure that qualifications which they approve for funding for adults continue to be high quality & robust, with demand from learners & employers.
For the qualifications which, as a result of the review, SFA do not currently intend to fund for new starts in 2013/4, they want to make sure the sector have the opportunity for a final review.  SFA are therefore extending an invitation to the sector to contact them about these qualifications that have not been added to the catalogue, with any new or additional evidence of demand.  Submissions need to be in by 17.00 on Monday, 17 June 2013.
Press release & links
ScotGov: The first-ever overarching strategy for Scotland’s historic environment was unveiled last week for consultation. The draft strategy on the future protection, management & promotion of Scotland’s historic environment provides ‘clear direction and a long term vision in terms of economic, social & cultural benefits, within the context of tightening budgets, physical threats from climate change, and technological advances’. Consultation closes on 31 July 2013.
Press release & links
BCE: The Boundary Commission for England has begun an Evaluation Survey of the 2013 Review.  The purpose of the survey is to review the Commission’s approach to the 2013 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in England.  The responses to the survey will be anonymous and be used to improve how the Commission conducts future reviews.
If you contributed to the 2013 Review, the BCE is inviting you to complete its online evaluation survey about the processes & procedures used during the review.  The survey will close at 5pm on Wednesday 29 May 2013

The BCE is not seeking views on the proposals for Parliamentary boundaries as part of this survey.
Press release & links
The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy