
DCSF: Children’s Minister Delyth Morgan has launched a consultation (closes on Tuesday 29 December 2009) to update the rules governing ContactPoint. Since the law governing ContactPoint came into force in August 2007, the system has been built, tested & subjected to security checks. The Government is proposing to make some minor changes to the law.
ContactPoint was developed in response to a key recommendation of the Laming Inquiry into the tragic death of Victoria Climbié.  It provides a quick way for practitioners to find out who else is working with the same child or young person.  It will support better communication among practitioners across education, health, social care & youth offending, in the statutory & voluntary sectors.
Press release ~ ContactPoint: Consultation on Proposed Amendments to the Children Act 2004 Information Database (England) Regulations 2007 ~ Keeping our schools safe – review of safeguarding arrangements in independent schools, non-maintained special schools and boarding schools in England ~ Sir Roger Singleton’s terms of reference
ScotGovInterest free loans are to be offered to householders to help them cut their fuel bills and reduce emissions. A sum of £2m is available this year for a pilot loans scheme to help people improve insulation, replace inefficient boilers or install small scale renewables.
The news comes as the Scottish Government publishes 'A Consultation on the Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Scotland', a package of existing support & ideas on how energy could be saved to cut emissions and boost the economy (consultation closes on Tuesday, 5 January 2010).
The new Energy Saving Scotland Home Loans will provide interest free loans between £500 - £10,000 to enable householders to finance measures in existing homes including loft and wall insulation, small scale renewables and many others.  
Press release ~ Energy Saving Scotland Home LoansEnergy Efficiency Action Plan Consultation
ScotGov: Proposals to protect unauthorised tenants where a property is being repossessed have been published. Changes relate to a landlord letting out a property, without informing the lender, in breach of a mortgage agreement. In the event of repossession of a property, any unauthorised tenants have limited rights.  It is estimated that up to 300 households a year are affected
The Scottish Government is consulting (closes 6 November 2009) on more protection for unauthorised tenants.  If there is support for the measures, the Government will propose amendments at Stage 2 of the Home Owner and Debtor Protection (Scotland) Bill.
Press release ~ Repossession of Residential Property: Protection of Tenants: Consultation: Home Owner and Debtor Protection (Scotland) Bill ~ Home Owner and Debtor Protection (Scotland) Bill
HMTHM Treasury has published a call for evidence (will run until 11 December 2009) on the Money Laundering Regulations 2007 and of the UK's anti-money laundering policies & procedures under them.  The Call is designed to help inform a review of the Regulations, and look at how effective & proportionate the UK's anti-money laundering rules are.
The Call for Evidence is in two parts.  Part A of the call for evidence is aimed at money-laundering experts & practitioners, such as businesses supervised under the Regulations & money laundering supervisors.  Part B is focused on private individuals & business customers.
Press release ~ The Call for Evidence

Ofgem: Energy regulator Ofgem has highlighted the challenges to Britain’s gas & electricity supplies. Chief among these challenges are a growing exposure to a volatile global gas market and power stations nearing the end of their life.

Ofgem has drawn up four energy scenarios to assess the energy security risks over the next 10-15 years.  They reveal a range of potential risks to supplies when exposed to shocks.  Further, Ofgem identifies the need for investment of up to £200bn in power plant & other infrastructure over the next 10 years to secure both energy supplies and climate change targets.
The need for this investment arises at a time of volatile world energy prices and Britain’s increasing dependence on gas imports.  Ofgem will be putting forward proposals in the New Year based on a consultation (closes 20 November 2009) to ensure that Britain’s energy industry can meet the challenges ahead.  National Grid’s forecasts for this winter show that gas & electricity supplies are likely to be adequate, with a substantial reserve margin in electricity.
Press release ~ Ofgem ~ Project Discovery - Energy Market Scenarios ~ Energy Security: A national challenge in a changing world ~ UK Low Carbon Transition Plan ~ DECC: Security and resilience of domestic energy supply ~ Britain's Energy Security in a Multipolar World ~ 'Modelling a resilient UK energy system' ~ The Energy Markets Outlook ~ Security Of Energy Supply - BIS ~ Joint Energy Security of Supply (JESS) working group report ~ National Grid ~ Energy Intensive Users Group ~ Oxford Institute for Energy Studies ~ Association of Electricity Producers ~ The Politics of plants
The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy