
HM Treasury: The King Review of low-carbon cars has issued a call for evidence, inviting views from all interested parties on how best to achieve substantial reductions in road transport emissions over the next 25 years, as part of the Government's strategy to tackle climate change. The deadline for responses is 20 August 2007.

It will publish an analytical report later in 2007.
Press release ~ King Review of low-carbon cars ~ HMRC Allowances ~ Energy Saving Trust: Low carbon vehicles ~ Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership ~ DfT - Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation (RTFO)

Cabinet Office: Cabinet Office Minister Hilary Armstrong has launched a review (close 28 September 2007) of how the Government consults businesses, the third sector and citizens when it makes significant decisions. The review focuses on lifting the quality of government consultation. 

The Government is aiming to improve the effectiveness of consultation by looking at what questions are asked, who is asked and how the government can best take into account the feedback it receives. Responses will inform the development of a revised consultation policy to be launched in 2008.
Press release ~ Cabinet Office - Have Your Say ~ Consultation Policy Review ~ Existing Code of Practice and Guidance

NICE: Draft guidance from NICE on the use of ranibizumab (Lucentis) and pegaptanib (Macugen) has been issued for public consultation (closes on 5 July 2007).  The guidance recommends the use of Lucentis for about 20% of patients with wet age-related macular degeneration, a condition which causes sight loss and blindness.

It recommends Lucentis should be used when both eyes are affected and that it should be used in the better-seeing eye.  The guidance does not recommend the use of Macugen.
Press release ~ Macular degeneration (age-related) - pegaptanib and ranibizumab: Appraisal consultation ~ Understanding age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

CLG: The Government has published a consultation document (closes on 4 September 2007) including proposals for a Single Equality Bill, to simplify & improve existing legislation and make common-sense proposals to modernise discrimination law. See ‘In the News’ section above.

CC: The Charities Act 2006 creates a range of new accountancy & reporting provisions, many of which will be implemented later this year.  The Office of the Third Sector has launched a sector consultation (closes 14 September 2007) to help decide how these changes will be implemented and supported by regulations – See ‘Charity and Voluntary Sector’ below for more details.

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