EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc.

EU News: The European Commission and The European Travel Agents' and Tour Operators' Associations (ECTAA) are asking tour operators, travel agents to promote the pan-European emergency number ‘112' on their websites, on e-tickets, and at major tourist destinations.
Press release & links
EU News: The EU & US have decided to take their economic relationship to a higher level by agreeing to launch negotiations for a comprehensive trade & investment agreement. When negotiations are completed, this EU-US agreement would be the biggest bilateral trade deal ever negotiated – and it could add 0.5% to the EU's annual economic output.
Press release & links
EU News: The details of the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) to be implemented under enhanced cooperation have been set out in a proposal adopted by the Commission last week. 
Press release & links ~ CBI comments ahead of publication of FTT proposals
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