EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc.

EU News: The Commission is taking action to help citizens & businesses to benefit fully from the opportunities offered by the Single Market by publishing a strategy to improve governance of the single market.  The expansion of the Internal Market Information (IMI) system to other areas of EU law such as, potentially, gambling & e-commerce will help to achieve this.

IMI is a multilingual online application that allows national, regional & local authorities to communicate quickly & easily with their counterparts elsewhere in the EU.  By December 2010, nearly 6 000 authorities were using this system where they can assist each other in order to, for example, process applications from foreign professionals, grant permissions or check that cross-border service providers comply with security obligations.
Press release ~ ~ MEMO/11/99
EU News: More people across the EU now have access to public services online, according to Europe's 9th e-Government Benchmark Report. The average availability of online public services in the EU went up from 69% to 82% from 2009 to 2010. 

The report reveals the best & worst performers in the EU, focusing on two essential public services: 'finding a job' and 'starting a company'.  Although Europe's national public administrations are moving in the right direction, there is still disparity between countries. There is also room for improvement in take up of eProcurement.
Press release and related links
BIS: The UK Government, alongside other European member states including Belgium & Italy, have welcomed publication of the European Commission’s Small Business Act Review   The 3 Member States have committed to working together in Europe to promote the interests of SMEs and have urged the Commission to host a forum for small business ministers, as part of a renewed focus on putting SMEs at the heart of European decisions.
Press release ~ Commission’s review of the Small Business Act for Europe ~ 2008 Document
EU News: The Commission has adopted a proposal to interconnect business registers within the EU.  Company registers provide company information that is essential for consumers & business partners alike, such as information on a company's legal form, its seat, capital and legal representatives.

Business registers are currently organised at national, regional or local level, and lack the capacity to share information in an efficient and transparent manner. The proposal will now pass to the Member States and the European Parliament for consideration.
Press release and links
EU News: Over the last 10 years, work-related stress has increased in 9 Member States and has only fallen in Sweden.  Studies suggest that between 50% & 60% of all lost working days are related to stress.  In the UK it's estimated that 10m working days are lost due to anxiety, stress & depression linked to work.

The direct costs related to stress at work are now estimated to be as high as 4% of EU GDP. In response to these developments, European workers' & employers' representatives reached an agreement in 2004 to ensure a minimum level of protection against stress at work.  The EC has published an evaluation of this agreement, concluding that it has had positive effects where implemented.
Press release and links
EU News: In order to tackle low levels of consumer & business confidence in online transactions, the European Commission is consulting citizens and other interested parties on how electronic signatures & electronic identification (eID) and authentication can help the development of the European Digital Single Market (closes 15 April 2011) – See ‘Consultations’ section for more information.
Press release plus links to consultation & related documents
EU News: The European Ombudsman, P. Nikiforos Diamandouros, has invited citizens, interest groups, and other organisations to submit comments on a draft statement of principles that should guide the conduct of EU civil servants.  Comments can be submitted until 15 May 2011.
Press release
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