EU Legislation, Initiatives, etc.

EU News: The European Commission has adopted a draft regulation that will better inform consumers across the EU and achieving the aim of better & clearer legislation

The draft regulation strengthens & clarifies provisions for foods intended for vulnerable groups of the population who need particular protection – namely infants & children up to 3 years old, and people with specific medical conditions, such as cancer patients or individuals with metabolism disorders.
It does so by maintaining the existing compositional and labelling rules applicable to infant & follow-on formulae, processed cereal-based foods & other baby foods and foods for special medical purposes.  Further, the proposal establishes a single EU list of substances, instead of the existing three, that can be added to these foods.  The substances covered in the list include, among others, minerals & vitamins.
Press release & links
EU News: On 19 June 2011, European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström, participated in the inaugural ceremony of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) in Valetta, Malta. The new Office began some of its activities in November 2010, but it is now fully operational.  

The EASO was established with the aim of enhancing practical cooperation on asylum matters, and helping Member States fulfil their European and international obligations to give protection to people in need.
Press release & links
EU News: Essential investment in education, social inclusion, poverty reduction and a knowledge-based society must go ahead without delay, said the European Parliament last Thursday in its first formal response to the Commission's draft budget for 2012.  In the Commission's draft budget, unveiled on 20 April, the fields of R&D and cohesion policy, payments are set to increase by over 8% in 2012.
Press release & links
EU NewsIn an effort to give a further boost to the transparency of the EU's decision-making process, the European Parliament and the European Commission last week launched a joint, public Transparency Register which provides more information than ever before on those who seek to influence European policy.
Press release & links
EU NewsThe European Parliament has opted – by an overwhelming majority (615 for, 16 against, 21 abstentions) – the Consumer Rights Directive, which the European Commission proposed in October 2008 (IP/08/1474). The vote follows a deal reached between the 3 EU institutions (European Commission, European Parliament and the Council of Ministers), and clears the final hurdle before the new rules can become reality for consumers.
Press release & links
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