General Reports and Other Publications

Maternity services in England
NIESR: Prospects for the UK Economy
Chatham House - International Affairs November 2013 Issue
Government urged to invest in transport to boost economy
Ethical palm oil rise protects endangered orang-utans – (Buses to run on cooking oil)
Rise in air emissions due to cold winter and increased coal use for energy
Efforts to improve South Yorkshire Police’s response to child sexual exploitation have had mixed success - (Report)
UK offshore oil & gas: Sir Ian Wood's interim report published – (£4bn EnQuest North Sea investment expected to create thousands of jobs around the country)
Focus must be maintained to preserve ‘ahead of its time’ East Midlands force collaboration – (‘Working Together: A review of the arrangements for collaboration between the five East Midlands police forces’)
Audit-Scotland: Merger of Scotland's police achieved but the service faces significant financial challenges - (Report)
Biodiversity Offsetting proposal too simplistic - Green Watchdog warns
CAL Committee Calls for More Safeguards for Our Young People
Overview Report into New Single Scottish Fire & Rescue Service Published
New research shows slow improvement in police use of Stop & Search
Bolsover District Council failed to follow correct procedures with public open space
£11m contract to rebuild Lyric Theatre flawed says Committee
Councils need powers to intervene when any school struggles
CBI responds to Bank of England Inflation Report
Ofgem Social Obligations Report 2012 published
Sustainability in BIS report published
Police & Crime Commissioners one year on
Top earners' wages growing faster than for rest in Scotland
Visits to National Museums up 2 per cent in 2012-2013
Spending on fight against malaria may not provide good value
Men in their early 40s have the longest commutes
LGA responds to audit commission report – (AC: Councils find £178m in frauds against local government but detection rates are patchy)
NEF - The UK energy market: economics gone wrong
University museums for the 21st century
DEMOS - Boring, isolated & lonely: Britain’s damaging perceptions of our care homes
Integration through sport: thousands to get involved in local activities
Warrington teenagers denied speech and language therapy
Independent review of the Association of Chief Police Officers – (Report)
JRF - Traditional breadwinner families now the largest group in poverty in low-pay Britain – (Tackling in-work poverty by supporting dual-earning families ~ Poverty, economic status and skills: what are the links?)
The Benefits of Broadband
NEF - Energy round-up: the global picture
Music hubs fail to improve music education for all
The Golden Thread: A study of the contribution of the project profession to the UK’s economy