General Reports and Other Publications

CRC: The Commission for Rural Communities has highlighted that the The Observer has used their research to show how villages in rural England are changing.
A recent CRC report to the Prime Minister - 'England's rural areas: steps to release their economic potential' - set out a package of practical proposals to improve support for people and enterprises in the rural business sector to help them realise their potential. However, the loss of services such as post offices, schools, GP surgeries, banks and shops can have a devastating effect on rural communities.
Press release ~ Read the Observer article ~ 'England's rural areas: steps to release their economic potential' ~ 'Planning for Sustainable Rural Communities: The Big Picture'
Defra: The final part of a 2-year survey that assesses the quality of the local environment across England has been published. The Extended Local Environment Quality Survey of England provides in-depth information for each local authority on their performance in managing key street-level environmental problems in their area, including litter, fly-posting and graffiti.
The survey was carried out to provide local authorities with the detailed information they need to target their resources effectively in tackling these issues. Headline information from the survey is available on the Defra website so local residents can see how their area is shaping up.
Results from 175 local authority surveys were published and follow the 174 that were carried out last year.
This local level survey builds on the existing national survey, which is carried out for Defra annually by ENCAMS.
Press release ~ Defra: Extended Local Environment Quality Survey of England ~ Breakdown by Local Authority ~ ENCAMS - Keep Britain Tidy ~ Local Government Association of the Environment Board
Ofsted:  An Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) survey has found that Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) projects are bringing communities together and boosting educational, training & job opportunities for those most in need.
The survey - The role of adult learning in community renewal: Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities programmes - finds that two-thirds of adult learning providers surveyed have established strong links with local partner organisations to ensure Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities funding is meeting a diverse range of needs.
Press release ~ Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities (NLDC) projects ~ The role of adult learning in community renewal: Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities programmes ~ Learning and Skills Council (LSC)
Ofsted:    Pupils should be taught to make sense of mathematics - so that they can use it confidently in their everyday lives and are prepared for further study and the world of work - according to a new report by Ofsted, the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills.
The report, ‘Mathematics: Understanding the score’, reveals that there has been a steady improvement in test & examination results and mathematics is good in around half of schools.  However, many schools - particularly secondary - are not teaching mathematics well enough because they place too much emphasis on routine exercises and on ‘teaching to the test’.
The report contains examples of high-quality teaching, so that schools can learn from the best available practice.  It also highlights the need to shift from a narrow emphasis on disparate skills towards a focus on pupils’ mathematical understanding.  Teachers need encouragement to invest in such approaches to teaching, adds the report.
Press release ~ ‘Mathematics: Understanding the score’ ~ National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics ~ Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) ~ STEMnet ~ QCA consultation on English, maths and ICT ~ Review of Mathematics Teaching in Early Years Settings and Primary Schools ~ Developing assessment for learning in mathematics – classroom practice in action ~ STEM Mapping Review ~ What is important in teaching Maths ~ Centre for Innovation in Mathematics teaching
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