Guidance Notes and Best Practice Guides

Home Office: Guidelines to assist health professionals who suspect cases of forced marriage have been launched by the Government. Aimed at frontline practitioners such as GPs, school nurses, midwives and A&E staff, the guidelines provide practical advice on how to recognise the warning signs and what to do if a patient discloses that they have been, or are about to be, ‘forced to marry’.

Evidence suggests many victims assume that health professionals cannot help them and they may not feel confident in expressing their concerns. Feedback from health professionals is they would like to do more but aren't always sure how. 
Consultations with health professionals may be one of the few occasions when the victim is unsupervised by a family member and by being aware of the warning signs and making routine enquiries, they may encourage victims to speak out.

The guidelines, 'Dealing with cases of forced marriage', are part of a series that the Forced Marriage Unit has produced for teachers, police officers and social workers.
Press release ~ Forced Marriage Unit ~ Dealing with cases of forced marriage - PracticeGuidance for HealthProfessionals ~ Other guidance for professionals (scroll down) ~ Forced Marriage consultation: A Wrong, not a Right ~ Information for victims ~ NHS: Forced Marriage Awareness ~ Further help contact suggestions ~ Islam online ~ Other material on Forced Marriage ~ Scottish Executive – Forced marriages~ Survivor’s Handbook ~ Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Bill ~ Government statement ~ Two Year Strategy ~ Karma Nirvana Refuge (and Survivors Network) – Tel: 01332 604098 (Mon-Fri 9.30am - 5.00pm) - Out of Hours emergency number: 07952 856869

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