Guidance Notes and Best Practice Guides

DfT: Guidance to help local authorities apply for funds to repair flood damaged roads has recently been launched by the Department for Transport (DfT), which has also told councils it will now consider ‘all reasonable claims’.
To ensure local communities are able to return to normality as quickly as possible DfT has also appointed a specialist to assist local authorities as they assess the damage caused and help them to prepare a claim for funding. Authorities have been advised not to delay urgent remedial work, which they will later be able to include in their claim.
Press release ~ Guidance for claiming emergency highway maintenance ~ Defra Flood management ~ Regional Flood Defence Committee's National Flood Forum ~ Env ironment Agency - Flood risk management
DH: From April 2008, the Government plans to replace Patient Forums with Local Involvement Networks (LINks) in order to ‘help strengthen the system that enables communities to influence the care they receive’.
Last week saw the publication of guidance for local organisations and this week sees the publication of a document for general public consumption that summarises what LINks will do, their proposed powers and how they will be set up.
Press release ~ Local Involvement Networks (LINks) Explained ~ NHS Centre for Involvement - LINks ~ Other getting ready for LINks guidance documents ~ Local authority Overview and Scrutiny Committees (OSCs) ~ The Commission for Patient and Public Involvement in Health (CPPIH) ~ DH - Patient and public involvement
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