Guidance Notes and Best Practice Guides

CfPA: The Commissioner for Public Appointments, Sir David Normington, has published his formal response to the consultation on his review of regulation of Ministerial appointments to public bodies and the final version of his new Code of Practice that will govern appointments to public bodies from April 2012.
Press release ~ Code of Practice ~ Response to consultation
FSA: New Government guidelines to help the UK prepare & respond to oil and chemical spills at sea have been published.
Press release & links
ScotGovDyslexia Scotland is to receive grant funding of £40,000 to bolster its existing dyslexia toolkit for teachers.
Press release ~ Dyslexia toolkit for teachers
DH: A nationwide information service to keep everyone safe & well this winter was has been launched. The online hub will provide regular updates about the increased demand on the NHS during the cold winter months and offer practical advice on keeping well when the weather is very cold.
Press release & links
DH: The independent NHS Future Forum, a group of the country’s top health experts, has published its interim advice on integrated care, patient information & public health in a modern NHS, after listening to thousands of NHS staff, patients and the public as well as voluntary sector organisations.
Press release & links
A Guide to Public Sector Contact Data Quality