Legislation / Legal

TfL: Changes introduced by the Department for Transport mean that the definition of a private hire vehicle in London is changing from 1 April 2008.  A private hire vehicle (PHV) was described in the original 1998 Act as a ‘vehicle constructed or adapted to seat fewer than nine passengers which is made available with a driver to the public for hire for the purpose of carrying passengers’.
Section 54 of the Road Safety Act 2006 has now removed the term ‘to the public’ from the 1998 Act.  This makes it irrelevant whether a vehicle is provided solely for contract work or to the public at large.   It may now include community transport vehicles and non-emergency ambulances.
Vehicles operating in London that now fall under the Act will require a private hire licence, as will their drivers.  Any company that hires out these vehicles and drivers will also have to hold a private hire operator licence.  If a vehicle is being hired for self-drive, or has nine or more passenger seats, it will be exempt from the licensing requirement.
Press release ~ TfL – Taxi and private Hire ~ Private Hire Vehicles (London) Act ~ Public Carriage Office
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