Policy Statements and Initiatives

DIUS: Under new proposals, the promotion of community cohesion would be given the highest priority in deciding on funding for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL).  This would mean retargeting spending towards those who have made a long-term commitment to live in Britain, rather than economic migrants who may only be here for a short time.
The consultation (closes 4 April 2008) follows a report published last year by the Commission for Integration and Cohesion, 'Our Shared Vision', which identified being able to communicate in English as one of the most important issues facing integration & cohesion in Britain.
Press release ~ Consultation 'Focusing English for Speakers of Other Languages on Community Cohesion' ~ Current funding strategyNational Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE)
Defra: The Defra, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Assembly Government have welcomed the ‘strong support’ received for the draft strategy to tackle invasive non-native species in Great Britain. Non-native species that become invasive are considered the second greatest threat to wildlife worldwide.
Responses to the consultation also raised interesting points for consideration in finalising the strategy.  These include general support for the monitoring & surveillance of non-native species driven here by the influence of climate change and which might pose a risk.
Press release ~ Non-native species - Public Consultations ~ Summary of responses ~ Conclusion to the consultation on the draft Invasive Non-Native Species Framework Strategy for Great Britain - Joint Government Response
DH: Health Secretary Alan Johnson has announced that every hospital trust in England will be able to recruit two infection control nurses, two isolation nurses and an antimicrobial pharmacist with millions of pounds of extra investment for infection control in the NHS.
New stringent requirements outlined in the Government's strategy to tackle healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) also mean that NHS Foundation Trust applications will not be supported by the Secretary of State unless trusts are consistently hitting local targets on both MRSA and C. difficile.
'Clean, safe care' sets out where there are national expectations and requirements for the NHS in tackling HCAIs - but also guides NHS organisations as to the actions and investment that will be most effective in continuing to tackle infection and improve cleanliness in their local area.
Press release ~ 'Clean, safe care' ~ DH - Healthcare associated infection ~ NPSA Peat data ~ Letter giving guidance on deep cleaning ~ Clean-safe-care.nhs ~ NHS Infection Control Training Programme ~ DH cleaner hospitals website ~ Clean Hospitals website ~ Hospital Infection Society
TfLTransport for London (TfL) claims that sustainable & efficient freight operations within the capital have come a step closer with the launch of the London Freight Plan, designed to improve & support London's freight industry.
The plan comprises four key projects highlighting action that needs to be under taken over the next five to ten years to help reduce emissions, congestion and collisions on the Capital's roads. The plan will also create an information portal for London's public authorities and freight operators, as well as research on the use of alternative fuels, low carbon vehicles and other innovations that may benefit operators.
Press release ~ TfL - London Freight Plan ~ Freight Operator Recognition Scheme ~ Freight Transport Association (FTA)
Cabinet Office: Ed Miliband and Beverley Hughes have launched a new approach to local services to improve support for the most disadvantaged families and prevent problems passing down from excluded parents to their children.
The Think Family report - published by the Social Exclusion Task Force in the Cabinet Office - is intended to encourage local services to adopt the following basic principles:
* No wrong door
* Look at the whole family
* Provide support tailored to need
* Build on family strengths
Press release ~ Think Family: Improving the life chances of families at risk ~ Families at risk review ~ Family Pathfinders ~ Family Intervention Projects ~ Family Nurse Partnerships
BERR: The government has invited energy companies to bring forward plans to build and operate new nuclear power stations as part of the UK's strategy for a secure, diverse, low carbon energy mix.
The Government's response to its nuclear consultation, in the form of a White Paper, was published alongside the Energy Bill, which sets out a range of measures to address the twin challenges of tackling climate change and securing energy supplies.
Press release ~ ScotGov response press release ~ Meeting the energy challenge: a white paper on nuclear power - BERREnergy Bill  ~ NWP Impact Assessment ~ Nuclear Installations Inspectorate ~ 'The Future of Nuclear Power' ~ Franco-British Nuclear Forum ~ BBC News: Groups pull out of nuclear debate ~ BERR - Nuclear Power ~ Greenpeace ~ Friends of the Earth
Defra: The Managing Radioactive Waste Safely: a Framework for Implementing Geological Disposal consultation was issued in June 2007, and invited comments on the UK Government's proposals for securing the long term management of higher activity radioactive waste through geological disposal.
Defra has now published the Summary and Analysis of Responses to that consultation, which closed in November 2007.  All consultation comments will be considered in developing the details of the next stages of the implementation process.  Those next stages will be set out in a White Paper to be published later this year.
Press release ~ Summary and Analysis of Responses ~ Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) ~ Nuclear Decommissioning Authority ~ Ian Pearson's written Ministerial Statement ~ Defra - High and intermediate waste ~ HSE: Joint regulatory guidance on radioactive waste management ~ Security regulation: Office from Civil Nuclear Security
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