WGPlus (Archive)

But what are these the measures of poverty?
4m more people are living below an adequate standard of living and are just about managing at best, according to an authoritative report on living standards in modern Britain.  The new research for the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) sheds light on how different kinds of household are faring, against the Minimum Income Standard (MIS).
Researched Links:

JRF:  Just about managing: 4m more people living on inadequate incomes in modern Britain

IEA:  Focus on Minimum Income Standard misses the point on poverty

ESRC:  Better measures of child poverty

Nearly 385m children living in extreme poverty, says joint World Bank Group – Unicef study

Unicef:  UK risks leaving poorest children behind

UK Social Mobility: Lessons Learnt from International Development

CSJ:  Unfortunately some families find it difficult / impossible to overcome the drivers of poverty

Big ‘City’, Big Issues

Unfortunately some families find it difficult / impossible to overcome the drivers of poverty

Child Poverty Bill published

JRF:  Growth alone will not help just managing families squeezed by rising inflation

IEA:  Oxfam’s report does nothing to help the world’s poor

JRF:  ‘Life chances postcode lottery’ - analysis shows parts of country where children fall behind by age 5

JRF:  Scotland Budget - Solving poverty must go beyond education

JRF:  Northern Powerhouse: We need a post-Brexit settlement for northern towns that have been left behind

IEA:  Former World Bank economist says advancing political & economic freedom is the way to alleviate poverty

IFS:  Living Standards, Poverty & Inequality in the UK: 2016

JRF:  Poverty costs UK £78bn per year

JRF:  Growing up in poverty detrimental to children’s friendships & family life

JRF:  1.25m people are destitute in the UK

Citizens Advice briefing - the challenges facing families who are just about managing

Helping people to achieve what they are capable of

Are there other & better alternatives than just ‘Bring back Grammar Schools’?

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