WGPlus (Archive)

Clawing back some of the ‘excesses’ of these contracts
Government's Operational PPP Efficiency Programme surpasses its target having secured £2.1bn in savings - and is now seeking £2bn extra in savings.  There are approximately 700 PPP contracts covering local authority schemes such as schools, and larger infrastructure projects including hospitals, roads & waste management projects.  Over the past few years, local procuring authorities have reviewed their existing contracts & arrangements with the private sector; securing efficiency savings by changing the parameters of services or finding better use of the assets concerned.
Researched Links:

HMT:  Efficiency drive by government on PPPs nets £2.1bn

Operational PPP Efficiency Programme

Savings from operational PFI contracts

Code of conduct for operational PFI/PPP contracts

CBI comments on new code of conduct for PFI/PPP contracts

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