WGPlus (Archive)

It’s so essential, the Government is helping to pay for it

Businesses can get an Innovation Voucher worth £5,000 to pay for an external expert to give them advice on protecting their business against cyber attacks and potential accreditation to Cyber Essentials. They can also use this advice to protect new business ideas & intellectual property in cyber security.

The Cyber Essentials programme helps organisations develop a secure platform for their business activities. They can also get accreditation to show that they’ve taken these precautions.  Suppliers bidding for a government contract may need this accreditation.  Since 2014, all suppliers handling certain sensitive & personal information need Cyber Essentials accreditation.

Researched Links:

Innovate UK:  Cyber security - apply now for business funding

Only a ‘team effort’ can provide 24/7 cyber vigilance

Active Wellbeing 2025 Promoters Pack