WGPlus (Archive)

Not if, but when
The latest figures reveal that 74% of small businesses and 90% of major businesses, has had a cyber breach of security in the last year.  Speaking at the Financial Times Cyber Security Europe Summit, the Minister for the Digital Economy, Ed Vaizey revealed more than 1,000 businesses have now adopted the UK Government’s Cyber Essentials.  He also announced a new £500,000 fund to help universities & colleges ‘develop innovative teaching & learning to provide the cyber security skills needed to protect the UK now and in the future’.
Researched Links:

UK businesses urged to protect themselves from growing cyber threat

You may get more than you wanted purchasing online

A cost that increases even faster than house prices in London

Much more than 1 step ahead of the class now

Paid to train, no student debt, good employment prospects for both women & men and vital for future UK economic success

Do you know ‘where it has been and what it has linked too’?

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!

Not only could it cost you a fortune, your organisation could be crippled as well

Surrey college to train young cybersecurity experts announced

57 arrested in nationwide cyber crime strike week

7-Step Guide Inspired by the UK Management of Risk in Government Framework