WGPlus (Archive)

Presumably Public Health spending is being ‘robbed’ to help fill the social care ‘black hole’
Central government cuts have forced councils to reduce planned spending on vital public health services such as sexual health clinics and reducing harm from smoking, alcohol & drugs by £85m, according to new analysis by The King’s Fund.
Researched Links:

NO:  Quality matters commitment to improve adult social care launched

NO:  Ombudsman investigations are “making a difference” and changing services for the better

Kings Fund:  Big cuts planned to public health budgets

LGA response to King's Fund research

NHS Confed response to King's Fund analysis on public health spending

NHS Confed response to CQC Quality Matters report

CQC & partners launch the ‘Quality matters’ commitment to improve adult social care

Welsh NHS Confed:  Parliamentary Review interim report: Final report needs to tackle long term funding for health & social care

Breaking Down the Procurement Act 2023 Guide