WGPlus (Archive)

Sorting out NHS & Social care is on a par with Brexit; All are critical to our financial future

Stephen Dalton, Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation, has responded to the CQC State of Care report released last week:  “The report shows that the NHS is being stretched to the limit, especially after additional pressure caused by ongoing cuts to social care, mental health and public health.……

A major concern is the sustainability of social care provision. The CQC report exposes that one consequence of cuts to social care is a "race to the bottom" when awarding contracts to care providers. This means contracts are being handed back and providers withdrawing from this market."

Researched Links:

NHS Confederation:  CQC report shows a stretched NHS that needs social care to be better funded

CQC:  State of care

LGA responds to Care Quality Commission Report on Adult Social Care

LGA warns £2.6bn could be needed to fix social care

Is joined-up care really about to happen?

Like pensions, most people don’t think about their care needs in old age

This is NOT just a case of inadequate resources

Webinar: Harnessing Phone-AI for Smarter Customer Service: A Local Government Guide